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The District
Join the Broadway West Theater District
Are you a business located in Downtown Los Angeles? We're providing a free listing in our District Directory!
Find out more
What are the details?
We're providing businesses that are located within Downtown Los Angeles with a free listing on the Broadway West Directory, providing:
- Free Advertising for your business
- Exposure for your website and social media channels
- Future access to direct marketing and inclusion in the Broadway West Newsletter
Does my business qualify?
If your business is located within the red boundaries on the map below, you qualify:
Why are we doing this?
Broadway West is a city development nonprofit dedicated to activating the historic theater district in DTLA, and we want you to be part of it!
- We are building a central hub for all businesses in the district to help provide tourists and visitors with an easy guide to the area
-We hope to provide discounts and incentives for locals and tourists to encourage them to come Downtown
- Listing is always free and you can remove your business any time
- We believe a successful theater district starts with helping its businesses
-We hope through the marketing of our events each business can benefit from our website's exposure
Sign up today, it's free!
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